Name of the Event: International Scientific and Practical Forum SMARTEX
Date: 10 – 12 October 2024
Place: Ivanovo
Link to Apply:
The International Scientific and Practical Forum SMARTEX is a unique scientific event held in Ivanovo since 2001 and supported by the Russian Union of Entrepreneurs of the Textile and Light Industry (SOYUZLEGPROM). Over all this time, the forum has become a well-known and authoritative platform for meeting representatives of the scientific community, business and government and solving key issues facing the Russian light industry and the industry system of personnel training.
Program activities:
All-Russian Industry Seminar Conference
School of Young Scientists
All Russian Youth Scientific Competition “LEGPROMNAUKA”
Forum Materials:
Reports and articles by participants of the SMARTEX Forum, including the All-Russian youth competition “LEGPROMNAUKA” are published in the periodical scientific journal “Physics of fibrous materials: structure, properties, science-intensive technologies and materials (SMARTEX)”
Ivanovo State Polytechnical University
Institute of Solution Chemistry named after
G.A. Krestova Russian Academy of Sciences
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Faculty of Arts)
A.N. Kosygin Russian State University (Technology. Design. Art.)
Russian Engineering Academy