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Participate in the 3rd Public Diplomacy Leader International Contest


Participate in the 3rd Public Diplomacy Leader International Contest

Name of the Event: 3rd Public Diplomacy Leader International Contest

Date: 18 – 21 November 2024

Working language: Russian and English

Last Date of Application: 30 September 2024

Link to Apply:

Who can participate?

Representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), Internet communities, as well as compatriots living abroad and foreign citizens implementing projects in the field of public diplomacy, whose activities do not contradict Russian legislation, aged 18 years or older, with experience in implementation, can take part in the Competition projects in the field of public diplomacy as a leader for at least two years.

Leaders of NGOs implementing projects in the field of public diplomacy should not be state and municipal employees

How to Submit Documents?

  1. Go to the Document Reception page. On this page, you must fill out a form to submit documents to participate in the competition.

  2. Download the Application, fill out and sign.

  3. In the document acceptance form, attach the Application and recommendation files in pdf format.

  4. Materials sent for participation in the correspondence round of the Competition are not reviewed and will not be returned. Participants of the Competition who have successfully completed the correspondence round are sent invitations to participate in the 2nd stage of the Competition.

  5. In the final round of the Competition, participants of the Competition can provide the Commission with additional information: program; photo and video materials; articles, publications in the media, etc.

Directions of the competition:

We are not the official organisers of the program. If you have any queries regarding it, kindly contact the organisers at –

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